Escape Room Bled kampanja, ki je potekala na portalu TravelStarter se je danes zaključila.  Vsem našim podpornikom in prijateljem bi se radi zahvalili za podporo.

Vedeti morate, da na ni šlo le za prispevke,  dali ste nam veliko več!  Vaša podpora pomeni, da imate radi naše delo  – in to nam daje vzpodbudo in navdih za kreiranje novih ugank in izzivov.  Zato najprej še enkrat vsakemu od vas prisrčna hvala iz srca! Zlati ste!

Situacija v Escape Roomu na Bledu pa je danes taka: v hiški smo že v aprilu pričeli z deli, toda nekaj nepredvidenih infrastrukturnih zapletov je povzročilo, da je na časovnici prišlo do nekaj tednov zamika in zato bo morala uboga čarovnica dobrega srca še malo počakati, da jo boste lahko rešili.  Seveda vas bomo sproti obveščali (predlagamo, da povšečkate tudi našo stran Escape Room ENIGMARIUM® na FB, če je še niste, kjer sproti objavljamo novičke).

Medtem, ko čakamo na rešitev dobrosrčne čarovnice z Bleda, pa vas prisrčno vabimo na obisk naše nove sobe! Že konec naslednjega tedna testiramo, 1. junija pa Escape Room Enigmarium® s ponosom odpira:

prvi Escape Room v Trstu, v Italiji! 

escape-room-triesteTema prvega Escape rooma v severovzhodni Italiji? Kuhinja, seveda!

Slavni kuhar, Maestro Luigi je poznal recept za tako dobro pašto,  da so bili po njej vsi srečni. A ko so zanjo zvedeli mafijci, je moral Luigi recept skriti in zakodirati … Boste odkrili skrivnost in naredili svet srečnejši?

Escape Room Enigmarium® Trieste je v samem centru mesta, nasproti veleblagovnic Upim in Coin na naslovu: Piazza Silvio Benco 4. Več kmalu!

Se vidimo kmalu v Trstu, na Bledu, v Ljubljani ….

Vaš tim Enigmarium®



To all of our fans and funders! TravelStarter campaign ended today. Thank you for your support and amazing generosity during our campaign!

We’re so happy that we had the opportunity to present our project on TravelStarter and grateful for the confidence you’ve shown us with your contributions. It’s been a busy three months here at Escape Room Enigmarium®, we’ve barely slept – between our winter adventures in Kranjska Gora at our Escape Igloo®, our journeys across the border to Trieste to prepare the very first escape room in the NE of Italy, and of course our renovations in Bled, we’ve been busier than ever, working to bring you the most original and innovative escape room games that you’ve ever played! Because of unexpected complications with infrastructure problems in Bled, it seems our favourite witch in Bled will remain bewitched a little bit longer than we’d hoped. That means that while we were expecting to open the room already this month, we’ve had to postpone the opening of our Escape Room Enigmarium® Bled until later in the summer 2015. Stay tuned for more details! But never fear, we’re adept at solving problems – it’s what we do!  

In the meantime, we’re happy to announce that on 1st. of June we will be opening 

the first Escape Room Enigmarium® in Trieste, Italy

certainly worth the short trip for you and your friends to help decipher the famous pasta recipe created by Maestro Luigi, which he had to encrypt to keep it from the Mafia.

See you soon in Trieste, Ljubljana or Bled!

Escape Room Enigmarium® Team