Super novica za vse ljubitelje vseh vrst escape room iger! Končno lahko povemo, da je pravkar izšla nova računalniška escape room igra ESCAPE SIMULATOR. S kreatorji, svetovno uveljavljenim Pine Studiom smo sodelovali pri ustvarjanju nalog in ugank, da bi bila  igralna izkušnja čimbolj podobna “pravi stvari”, oziroma resničnim sobam pobega / escape roomom. Še več: lahko jo igrate sami – ali s prijatelji – ali pa celo kreirate svojo sobo pobega! 

Pri sodelovanju na področju ugank smo pa smo imeli v mislih tudi, da si v igrici lahko privoščimo tudi take reči, ki jih v resnični sobi pobega nikdar ne bi  mogli realizirati 🙂  Predvsem pa smo  – kot izkušeni kreatorji escape room iger ter igrificiranih turističnih doživetij – poskrbeli, da so naloge in uganke ravno prav težke in zabavne.

Poglejte, kaj pravijo igralci v komentarjih na Steamu, kjer najdete igro –

“In terms of difficulty, the rooms are very pleasant to solve. The puzzles are well-designed, and neither too difficult nor too easy to figure out. There is always a logical approach to them and it’s usually pretty clear what one has to do, plus there are always objects lying around that hint towards what a certain unlock code is or what the correct approach in solving a puzzle is. Figuring them out and putting all the pieces together for a full solution is a really fun and rewarding process.”


“Escape Simulator is one of the few escape room games that can be played with one or more friends, in online co-op mode. In fact, while the game can be experienced in its entirety in solo mode as well, it was clearly designed with the multiplayer feature in mind. Escape Simulator is structured in very small one-room levels that are all available to play from the beginning (there are no requirements to unlock them) and which are grouped according to their theme. At the moment of the release, the game features 16 levels in total (a tutorial, and 5 levels each, belonging to an Egypt / space / Victorian mansion theme) with more to come in the near future (5 more levels have been announced as a free port-release path). Aside from this, players can create their own rooms and share them with the community, since the game also has a Steam-integrated workshop.”


The masters of puzzles! Plenty of interesting, brain-twisting but at the same time fun puzzles, accompanied by great aesthetics and ambient. Levels take time to fully complete and even after that there’s more to look for in the Community Rooms section where players can create custom rooms and share them with others. I’ve been playing solo, but I’m sure it’s even more fun solving puzzles alongside company. Great work!”

Posebne zasluge za ta krasen projekt si lahko prištejemo v kreativnem triu: Ema Perišič Švigir, Enigmarium Zagreb ter Katja Fuchsjager Rondaij in Nataša PotočnikEnigmarium Ljubljana.

Še en dokaz kako zelo multidisciplinarni smo lahko na področju igrifikacije in da naša kreativnost ne pozna meja. To leto smo v Enigmariumu – extraordinary experiences  –  pri kreiranju novih kulturnih in igrificiranih doživetij res presegli sami sebe – zdaj bomo nekaj dni zapored objavljali same novosti .)

Če se še niste naročili na naše novičke se le prijavite TUKAJ, kajti v kratkem razkrijemo, kje se odklene nova soba pobega, za katero damo roko v ogenj, da vas bo navdušila. Priajvite se tu: