Enigmarium is among the founders of the Association of Escape Room Activities of Slovenia

In the rooms that we have created and run, escape room owners and creators can see everyday just how important cooperation is. Thus it is right that in our young and promising branch we cooperate to take the lead – and precisely for that reason we have joined our common interests under the auspices of the Association of Escape Room Activities of Slovenia – GIZ ER. SI.

“Together we can be even better,” we said to ourselves since we have common goals: “To create unforgettable experiences and to place Slovenia on the game map as the capital of the best escape rooms!”

Escape Room games have become the fastest growing segment in tourism. They have spread like wild fire across the entire world. The numbers tell it all: in the United States when they opened the first rooms in 2014 there were 22, today there are more than 900 – a growth of more than 4,000%! That means that in the US alone more than one new room opens every day. The game has also captured all the other continents – among the first were Europeans, who are known as the creators of the best games. In Slovenia it began in summer 2014, by the end of the year the country had 6 rooms. Today there are about 30 escape games in various formats, which means almost 400% growth. Over 60,000 Slovenians have played them.

Unfortunately, it’s not all a bed of roses. The market here in Slovenia is also saturated and many rooms have already been compelled to close their doors, others will be able to survive only through non-stop innovating, excellent games, developing their own high-tech props and investing a great deal into marketing. It is no longer represents a “hobby project” but huge commitments and risks. Therefore the members of the association decided that (instead of doing the Slovenian thing and throwing each other under the bus) we would help each other to achieve a higher quality level for our customers through the exchange of knowledge, experiences, best practice examples and mutual promotion.

The founders of the Association GIZ ER.SI are (in alphabetical order): Enigmarium, represented by Nataša Potočnik, MindMaze represented by Marko Maučec, The Dragon Temple represented by Žiga Novak and The Key represented by Taiji Tokuhisa. We also invite other similar businesses, who share the same vision and mission, to join us.

More at http://escape-room-slovenija.si/.

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